Cute Overload Giveaway
CLOSED! Congrats to our winners Julie A. and Megan G.!
Hey Rockabye fans,
Today, we want to hear about your kids. Actually, we want you to brag about your kids, because we know how much you love them, especially when they get enough zzzzs! For today's giveaway, simply complete this sentence:
My baby is cute because _____________.
Tell us in the comments below by 8 pm PT tonight and 2 of you will be randomly selected to win a print of Why Babies Rule! and your choice of a Rockabye Baby Lullaby Renditions CD to share with your cutie!

My baby is cute because he has the curliest hair and such a wild personality (they go hand in hand)!
Tiffany H.
My baby is cute because she likes to rock out to music. When she hears it on she will rock back and forth on her hands an knees :)
My baby is cute because you can always see that little brain of hers working hard. She never ceases to amaze me with how fast she learns.
My baby is cute because he is easy to please. Just stick on metal band The Sword, and he will happily sit transfixed to the record player for thr whole album!
My baby is cute because she gives me a big grin every time I come into the room. My heart melts!
Kelly D.
My baby is cute because she loves music, and dancing. If she hears a song she likes, she gets up and boogies.. if she doesn’t like it, she covers her ears.
Michelle Ellashek
My baby is cute because he loves to play and flirt with the ladies! He plays coy and will break out in the biggest smile or soundless laugh you have ever seen. He will chat you up (in baby jibber-jabber, of course!) and if you really get him going he will blow raspberries.
My baby is cute because even when he’s sick he’ll spare a smile. He also plays a toy piano and headbangs to it.
Julie A.
My baby is cute because he can’t live without music! He always sings, he brings his iDoll with him every where!
And he is sooooo cute when he pulls my shirt up to see his little brother in my belly and kisses him/me on my belly button! :)
Jessica Phipps
My baby is cute because she’s starting to develop a little personality – sweet, loves to laugh, and has just a hint of sassiness (she gets that from me for sure :)
Jennifer Gregory
My baby is cute because he just loves to make people smile! He isn’t shy around strangers and with a little bit of attention he gives the biggest grin. Of course he is also cute because he loves to be loved! Even the sound of a smooch can send him into giggle fits! Add some tickles and he is all out chuckling!!
Megan Glover
My baby rules because she loves my terrible singing and cheesy dancing. Got another music fan in the house!
candace m
My son (1 1/2) is the cutest because of things like this: We just went to Disneyland for his first trip and his sister’s birthday, and as we were walking down the hall with the scary paintings, we heard him start growling at the scary things, lol, so fearless!
Lyndi Carbajal
My baby is cute because when he gets excited his right nostril starts twitching!
My baby is cute because he is comming right now!
My baby is the cutest because of his unique ways he express him self with words and facial expressing.
My baby is cute because she loves all the Rockabye Baby music that we already have! And she likes to kick and wiggle around to it. :)
My baby is cute because she really enjoy the pleasure of listening the real rock’n roll!
Ricardo Pacheco
this is a late entry, but i think that my baby is the cutest because he has come so far since birth, born at 26wks 2.2lbs and is not 17mo and the apple of my eye
My baby is cute because, three weeks ago, she was born rocking a faux-hawk hairdo.
David C
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